We produce a large range of delightful aroma reed diffusers, the attractive bottles are 100ml with stunning chrome effect metal tops.
We have many fragrances available and customers can make there own fragrances.
We can provide the packaging and labelling to the customers design
We add 20% high quality fragrance oil to ensure the scent throw is maximized.
Our diffusers will last 2 - 3 months.
Refills and Spare reed sticks are available
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Banana and Orchid | | | Lemongrass and Pine | | |
Bubblegum and Icecream | | | Mango and Pine | | | |
Champagne Rose and Lavender | | Neroli and Tulip | | | |
Cinnamon and Ginger | | | Peach and Apple | | | |
Dragonfruit and Blossom | | | Pumpkin and Spiced Apple | | |
Eucalyptus and Raspberry | | | Sakura and Frankincense | | |
Frankincense and Sweetmint | | Sandlewood and Jasmine | | |
Ginger and Lily | | | | Sea Breeze | | | |
Grapefruit and Mimosa | | | Strawberry and Birch | | |
Honeysuckle and Tulip | | | Vanilla and Cherry | | |
Lavender and Rosemary | | | Vanilla and Sweetmint | | |
Lemongrass and Bergamot | | | White Sandlewood | | |
Lemongrass and Lime | | | White Tea and Wisteria | | |
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FRAGRANCES | | | | | | | | |
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Anise | | Frankincense | Lemongrass | | Pineapple | |
Apple | Fruit Mango | Lesser Periwinkle Flower | Plub Pleung Flower |
Apple Blossom | Fruits | Lilac Flower | | Pomegranate | |
Apricot | | Fruity | Lily of the valley Flower | Pud Flower | |
Avocado | | General | Lotus Flower | | Rajawadee Flower |
Banana | | Gojiberry | Lumjiak Flower | | Raspberry | |
Basil | | Grape | | Melon | | | Ratree Flower | |
Bergamot | Green Grape | Milk | | | Red tea Blossom |
Black Coffee | Honey & Flower | Moke Flower | | Rose Flower | |
Blueberry | Honey Suckle | Narcissi Flower | | Rosemary | |
Bubble-gum | Hyacinth Flower | Neroli | | | Sakura | |
Butterfly Flower | Jampee Flower | Nine Flower | | Spanish Cherry | |
Cantaloupe | Jasmine Flower | Nourishing rice | | Strawberry | |
Cherry | Karawek Flower | Orange Grapefruit | Sweetmint | |
Choco Cereal | Kiwi | | Orchid | | | Tea tree | |
Citrus | | Lamduan Flower | Patchouli Orange | Tulip | | |
Dragon Fruit | Lavender Flower | Peach | | | Vanilla | | |
Elderberry | Leelawadee Flower | Peeb Flower | | Water lily | |
Fairy Flower | | | Piguan Flower | | White tea | |
| | | | Pine | | | Ylang Ylang | |